Tag Archive: organic

Mary, Mary Quite Contrary… How does Your Garden Grow?


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary… How does Your Garden Grow?


Today was my first day back in my garden after nearly two weeks of knocking on Heaven’s door. (Yes, I think it’s a fabulous reference to my illnesses!) The garden beds are all exploding, and we picked our first basket full of green beans, and some peppers today. The sunflower heads are finally blossoming, and I cannot wait to see how big they get, as Darling #1 is really hoping for some awards! There are more tomatoes than I can count, so in a week or two, I’ll be canning like a mad woman again.


Good news? Yes, there’s a bit. I’m on my way of getting past this last bout of illness, AND I’ve secured the first ISBN numbers for the Oh, Forks! Cook book coming to you in the next few months. I’ve also decided on my method of financial backing for this adventure, too. Just this week, a man was in the news for starting a $10 Kickstarter fund for potato salad. He got his ten dollars, and then $40k more! For potato salad! I’m planning to utilize this feature for a publishing push, in that, I’ll already have the book done. These funds will allow me to pre-print book copies to have on hand to sell! Much easier, and this also allows for the most professional “packaging” for the cook book, as well. If I can get these funds, I’ll also be beginning a campaign with the cook book that gives $1 from each book sale to the Scleroderma Foundation!!! I’m excited about the future plans for the cook book, and can’t wait to make those announcements closer to publication!

Bad news? Yeah, there’s always some floating closely behind me. Many of you know of the circumstances and situations my family is currently facing with my Grandma. On top of that, I’m planning an upcoming Riley trip, we’re dealing with ridiculously immature situations with an employer—due to their anger with others, and illnesses, work, medical bills, and about 500 other things all happening at the same time. I don’t do stress well anymore. Not that I can’t handle it, but my body refuses to. I’m doing my best to slow myself down a bit, without stopping any of the projects I’ve got. SO, my hopes for an August release may be a little overzealous….. but it won’t be too much longer, I swear!!!

Thanks for your patience! Thanks for your support!

Can It! It’s Jelly Time!

2014-06-04 13.49.45

Can It! It’s Jelly Time!


I LOVE canning!! Don’t you? If you don’t, you should! It’s so simple to keep your garden veggies, salsas, and fruits longer, doesn’t take up all your freezer space, AND it’s something fun to do with the kids. (Okay, okay, sometimes. I’ve heard not all kids like to listen, or help. Shocking, I know.) I was even lucky enough that my dad built me my own canning shelved armoire. A few months back, while the cook book development was happening, I created a few new recipes for canning, and today began trying some of them out!

A few years ago, I made up a pretty smashing recipe for spicy strawberry jelly. Many people loved it, requested more, and had multiple jars. My jellies are low sugar, and most often organic. This was true of the Organic Strawberry Jalapeno jelly. This favorite WILL be coming back for my summer sales, as will a new flavor freshly made today… Organic Strawberry Orange! It’s pretty fabulous, and has the sneakiest hint of orange. Really refreshing, and not too out there!!

We do the most canning with salsas, tomatoes, peppers, pickles, green beans, applesauce, fruits, and jellies. If stored correctly, many of these things will last up to 12 months! Many of our canning recipes will be available in our e-book, Gluten Free for Me: Can It! Book. This is due soon after the cook book is released!!

Thank you, so much, for checking in and for the support! Support ALL your local authors, artists, and small businesses!

Hello, Summer Heat! Welcome back, Garden!


Hello, Summer Heat! Welcome back, Garden!


Taking myself out of the garden for a bit this Memorial Day weekend to get a few blogs updates, and some cook book work done in the rainy and early parts of our long weekend. I hope you’re having a great weekend with your family, and friends!

I’ve been busily getting the garden going, and keeping the “organic” part happening. It’s not much harder to go organic, I just have to make sure that nothing funny gets put on my plants. That’s proved especially difficult as we prep our house and get it ready for sale later on this year. Painting the garden fences was a chore, but looks so much better now! Now to tackle the back fence….


The tomatoes, green beans, zucc’s, snap peas, 12 different types of peppers, raspberries, sweet corn, sunflowers, onions, strawberries and potatoes are all growing SO well! We’ve had a decent amount of rainy days, so I haven’t had to spend much time watering extra….yet.


One of the reasons I love summer so much (more like why I tolerate the ridiculous heat quietly) is that it gives me the freshest produce for my recipes. Love the whole home-grown aspect of living. No worries—my garden is already planned out where we’re moving, too. Garden size is indeed a stipulation for quality, peaceful living. HA!


The cook book is still coming along. While I did take a few days off for said gardening work, I’m still busily making nutrition labels for each and every recipe. It’s a long, long process….one that I didn’t have any idea just how long it truly was going to take…. Until I started doing it! Slow, but sure! It’s getting there!

I hope that you all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! Don’t forget to THANK those who have served, or are serving for keeping our country safe!