Tag Archive: healthy

Gluten Free for Me Upcoming Taste Testing & Updates!

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Gluten Free for Me Upcoming Taste Testing & Updates!


We’re in 2015 now, which means this year we’ll be participating in our first book signings, taste testing, and local events around the area! If creating the recipes, designing the cook, formatting the layout, making the nutrition labels and working on images wasn’t hard enough… now I’ve got to decide which foods to make in mass for people to try at our events!!

For this, I’ve decided to not decide myself, and let my followers and cook book owners help me figure it out! You’ll find a Google Form attached in this blog update (that I will post on our Facebook page eventually, too) that you can fill out to help me with this process! Don’t worry- you’re not signing up for anything at all. Just helping me to choose which recipes to consider for my early 2015 events!

For the first form, I’d like to get an idea of what your favorite recipes in the cook book, on our Facebook page, or from our blog are. If you’ve tried something in the cook book you love, please enter that in this form. After I get a general idea of “favorites,” I’ll then send out one last form choosing the “winners.”

USE THIS LINK FOR OUR GOOGLE FORM! OR, check our Facebook page for the link!!


OH, Forks!! Waiting is the Hardest Part!!


OH, Forks!! Waiting is the Hardest Part!!


GREAT NEWS!! I’m waiting for the proofs to arrive, and according to my printers….most all images and pictures were good to go! I bet you never even knew that I had to re-do every single one of them… Honestly, I’m still a bit nervous to see if they’ll all turn out, but, I shouldn’t have to wait much longer, right? Sigh.

Once I get the proofs, I’ll go through the book with a fine tooth comb, and once I approve it, and make any changes (hoping there are none…I was really going for “perfect on the first try”) then I’ll be ordering the first few hundred copies, and hardbacks for all of my backers!!!

I have to take an extra minute, to again thank my backers, and thank you again for your patience!! SWAG items have also been ordered, and every day I check their progress, too. I keep hoping that when I Sign in, I’ll see “shipped” instead of “in progress.” “In progress” is so….tiresome. Did I mention my patience is wearing weak and thin?? I’ll be beginning the handwritten thank you notes soon, and replenishing my novel supply to send out, too!

Sometimes this is still so hard to believe. Even harder to believe is that I’ll be at my first author event, hopefully selling all my books INCLUDING OH, Forks!!, in November 2014!! (Thanks to my Aunt for passing on the info!!)

I’ve had a few questions like, “So, what are you doing while you wait for the cook book?” Well, moving. Packing, cleaning, boxing, ceramic flooring, and making shower curtains. Moving is not my favorite thing ever, and I can tell you it’s never happening again. SO, if any one needs a nice, quaint, country house….with a swing set, GIANT garden (tears…), shed, and big fenced in yard….keep your eyes peeled for our house listing soon!!

Thank you all again for your continued support!! I’m still thinking once we’re all settled and moved that I may be doing a taste testing party by invite only!! (Of course there will be others with other book signings, too!)

Campaigns, Stress, and New Recipes…


Campaigns, Stress, and New Recipes…


Funny thing about stress and me: when stress comes into my life, not like the serious heavy stress in the past month—but just the kind that keeps your brain going constantly—I create some of my BEST things. Whether it be with words, or food….the busier my brain, the more productive and crazy busy I get! (I think for some people it’s the opposite!)


With only 3 days to go on my campaign to get this awesome cook book printed, I’m pretty much a twitching, nervous wreck. When you want something soo bad you can taste it, and then see that you’re so far off….still…it’s just unspeakable. Regardless of how I have to do it, I will indeed get this cook book printed. I’ve gotten lots of questions why I don’t just sell to a publisher. Cook book publishing is difficult, and complicated. There are more than words, there are pictures, and recipes. Each things needs a copyright, making the work load quadruple. If I were to sell this cook book to a large publisher, I’d lose control of everything. The recipes would still be “mine,” but at the will of the agency who bought it. They would be in charge of setting price points, and no deals could be made any longer. Right now, I’m content in hanging on to my own rights on my work. Do I have bigger plans? Absolutely, and I’ve been quietly working on them for months. (Again, stress= mega work)

Even though I’ve been stressed, worried, bogged down, and taking care of my heart patient, I’m still pushing out new recipes. This crafty number I made last night. It’s my take on a Italian warm sub, crafted into a GF dough ring. I only had a bite or two, but arrived to the fridge this afternoon to find it GONE. So, I guess it’s safe to say it’s freaking delicious, like everything else!!! This would be a great party addition, and I can’t wait to make it for more of you!!


To close this windy post up on this rainy day, my hands are stained red, and my back is screaming the worst profanities you can imagine. While typing, I’ve been canning 9 dozen garden tomatoes. No way was I going to lose those babies! I’d ask that if you haven’t yet, you check out my campaign. If you can, please PLEASE pledge. I’m so thankful to each of my backers!!!

OH, Forks!! A Little Bit of Everything and All That’s Gluten Free KickStarter link

Hello, Summer Heat! Welcome back, Garden!


Hello, Summer Heat! Welcome back, Garden!


Taking myself out of the garden for a bit this Memorial Day weekend to get a few blogs updates, and some cook book work done in the rainy and early parts of our long weekend. I hope you’re having a great weekend with your family, and friends!

I’ve been busily getting the garden going, and keeping the “organic” part happening. It’s not much harder to go organic, I just have to make sure that nothing funny gets put on my plants. That’s proved especially difficult as we prep our house and get it ready for sale later on this year. Painting the garden fences was a chore, but looks so much better now! Now to tackle the back fence….


The tomatoes, green beans, zucc’s, snap peas, 12 different types of peppers, raspberries, sweet corn, sunflowers, onions, strawberries and potatoes are all growing SO well! We’ve had a decent amount of rainy days, so I haven’t had to spend much time watering extra….yet.


One of the reasons I love summer so much (more like why I tolerate the ridiculous heat quietly) is that it gives me the freshest produce for my recipes. Love the whole home-grown aspect of living. No worries—my garden is already planned out where we’re moving, too. Garden size is indeed a stipulation for quality, peaceful living. HA!


The cook book is still coming along. While I did take a few days off for said gardening work, I’m still busily making nutrition labels for each and every recipe. It’s a long, long process….one that I didn’t have any idea just how long it truly was going to take…. Until I started doing it! Slow, but sure! It’s getting there!

I hope that you all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! Don’t forget to THANK those who have served, or are serving for keeping our country safe!

Gluten Free for Me’s 2014 GF Cook Book Updates!


GF4M’s 2014 GF Cook Book Updates!


We’re constantly being asked about this cook book, and we are SOO appreciative for everyone for the support! Progress is coming along nicely, and we’re solidifying recipes, and cleaning them up to be as healthy as possible. We think that each recipe should have a nutrition label, so that we can help you in your health adventures and dieting. That process is taking us longer than we anticipated! No worries, it’s not slowing us too much!

We have reached a point in our plan where we’ve begun offering samples of some of the recipes! The reviews are coming back fabulous, and we are very happy with the response! Over the next few months, we’ll be offering more and more samples!!!

We’ve decided to add pages on substitutions, as well as multiple options for each recipe. Some will be gluten free, dairy free, or vegan; or have the option to make it “normal,” as well. Keep in mind that these recipes are meant to be easy, with ingredients and things that you would normally be using. Not too many crazy or specialty ingredients keep costs, and recipe ease pretty simple.

From the new gluten free pasta recipes, to the gluten free candy bars… Or to the dairy free casseroles and stews…. the appetizers, dinners, drinks, and desserts…. we’re excited to share it with you!! Thank you for being patient!!