Tag Archive: backing

Campaigns, Stress, and New Recipes…


Campaigns, Stress, and New Recipes…


Funny thing about stress and me: when stress comes into my life, not like the serious heavy stress in the past month—but just the kind that keeps your brain going constantly—I create some of my BEST things. Whether it be with words, or food….the busier my brain, the more productive and crazy busy I get! (I think for some people it’s the opposite!)


With only 3 days to go on my campaign to get this awesome cook book printed, I’m pretty much a twitching, nervous wreck. When you want something soo bad you can taste it, and then see that you’re so far off….still…it’s just unspeakable. Regardless of how I have to do it, I will indeed get this cook book printed. I’ve gotten lots of questions why I don’t just sell to a publisher. Cook book publishing is difficult, and complicated. There are more than words, there are pictures, and recipes. Each things needs a copyright, making the work load quadruple. If I were to sell this cook book to a large publisher, I’d lose control of everything. The recipes would still be “mine,” but at the will of the agency who bought it. They would be in charge of setting price points, and no deals could be made any longer. Right now, I’m content in hanging on to my own rights on my work. Do I have bigger plans? Absolutely, and I’ve been quietly working on them for months. (Again, stress= mega work)

Even though I’ve been stressed, worried, bogged down, and taking care of my heart patient, I’m still pushing out new recipes. This crafty number I made last night. It’s my take on a Italian warm sub, crafted into a GF dough ring. I only had a bite or two, but arrived to the fridge this afternoon to find it GONE. So, I guess it’s safe to say it’s freaking delicious, like everything else!!! This would be a great party addition, and I can’t wait to make it for more of you!!


To close this windy post up on this rainy day, my hands are stained red, and my back is screaming the worst profanities you can imagine. While typing, I’ve been canning 9 dozen garden tomatoes. No way was I going to lose those babies! I’d ask that if you haven’t yet, you check out my campaign. If you can, please PLEASE pledge. I’m so thankful to each of my backers!!!

OH, Forks!! A Little Bit of Everything and All That’s Gluten Free KickStarter link

Sunflowers & Growing Dreams…and LOTS of Gratitude!!


Sunflowers & Growing Dreams… and LOTS of Gratitude!


By now, you’ve probably seen me post things about the KickStarter campaign for publishing funds for the cook book. Oh, Forks!! just needs a bit of help to get the first publications done on the first few hundred copies, and then, will be able to sustain its own sales!! Little did I know that taking the leap to put myself out there would result in 32% completion of my $4,000 goal, with 26 days to go!!

I’ve got to admit… I couldn’t have picked a worse, or more complicated time to release this cook book, and attempt to successfully complete this publication drive. I’m eyeball deep in 6 different things I’ve written to say in court on the 25th to hopefully help the judge understand how detrimental it is for that horrible man that stole my Grandma’s life, and give him the MAXIMUM sentence allowable. And I’m also past the point of worry for my daughter’s looming heart surgery at the end of the month. That said, I also love a good challenge, and this will give me something to work on, instead of pacing the hallways at Riley…

If you’ve already pledged, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you haven’t yet, please consider it. Depending on your pledge, you’ll get copies of my books, swag, signed cook books, or even recognition and a message inside of the cook book itself! The nutrition labels help keep track of those calories, for you counters out there, and the pictures will help you to see what it “should” look like. Each recipe has an “ingredient” section, and many have “simple directions,” to avoid all the extra fluff that sometimes happens with written recipes. There are many options for substitutions in a myriad of the recipes, and there are over 100 of those! The cook book sits now at just over 200 pages!!

So, again, please consider helping me out. This would be such a huge break for my family!! Every little bit helps! Share, Share, Share!! Spread the word!! I’ve already got book signings lined up, and many MANY pre-sales ready to go! I would just love the ability to have a book to hand to my customers for their payment….not take their cash, and do a monthly order! I appreciate every second of consideration you give this!!!

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And, while all of that happens, my nervously excited-self took to the garden today, diving in with my husband, as I’ll not be seeing him much this week while he’s trapped at work. Thankful for his help on the weeds and such. Now to transition to preparing for the big Darling’s second week of camp…