Tag Archive: celiac

Hello, Summer Heat! Welcome back, Garden!


Hello, Summer Heat! Welcome back, Garden!


Taking myself out of the garden for a bit this Memorial Day weekend to get a few blogs updates, and some cook book work done in the rainy and early parts of our long weekend. I hope you’re having a great weekend with your family, and friends!

I’ve been busily getting the garden going, and keeping the “organic” part happening. It’s not much harder to go organic, I just have to make sure that nothing funny gets put on my plants. That’s proved especially difficult as we prep our house and get it ready for sale later on this year. Painting the garden fences was a chore, but looks so much better now! Now to tackle the back fence….


The tomatoes, green beans, zucc’s, snap peas, 12 different types of peppers, raspberries, sweet corn, sunflowers, onions, strawberries and potatoes are all growing SO well! We’ve had a decent amount of rainy days, so I haven’t had to spend much time watering extra….yet.


One of the reasons I love summer so much (more like why I tolerate the ridiculous heat quietly) is that it gives me the freshest produce for my recipes. Love the whole home-grown aspect of living. No worries—my garden is already planned out where we’re moving, too. Garden size is indeed a stipulation for quality, peaceful living. HA!


The cook book is still coming along. While I did take a few days off for said gardening work, I’m still busily making nutrition labels for each and every recipe. It’s a long, long process….one that I didn’t have any idea just how long it truly was going to take…. Until I started doing it! Slow, but sure! It’s getting there!

I hope that you all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! Don’t forget to THANK those who have served, or are serving for keeping our country safe!

14 Things We HATE About being Gluten Free

10 Things 14 Things We Hate About being Gluten Free


I’m at that point in my gluten free living, where if I hear ONE MORE TIME that I’m doing this as part of a trend, I just may throat punch the person who said it. It’s just going to be one of my new involuntary body actions that happens when confronted with ignorant and stupid. On the flip side of things, while I haven’t indulged in some of my favorite foods for YEARS….the mere sight of them has brought me to tears more times than I would like to admit in the last months. So, here’s my silly little list. (Some of you will truly understand, and agree with many!!) If YOU are gluten free, and have anything to add to my list, please comment with your addition!!

#1- No “fast” snacks are available ANYWHERE while you’re out and about. I know, I know…I could pack my snacks. And I do. But seriously, how freaking easy is it to run into the Marathon station and grab a protein bar and a smoothie? Or a bag of chips? Or cookies? You see where I’m going here. Thankfully, the Meijer gas stations have fruit for these quick snack runs. (But still, where is the excitement in an apple?!)

#2- “Mandatory” dinners with no choice, or gluten free options. Whether it’s a business luncheon, event, or family gathering….it always seems to be an issue. Even if we just quietly sit back, and avoid the foods we can’t eat. Never fails that someone feels that they need to point it out, and push the issue. It’s one thing at business meetings, but a whole other when it’s a family gathering. Shouldn’t family know, ask, or at least pretend to care? Especially when it’s a medical situation, not a diet fad?

#3- Grocery shopping with label reading. I read people complain about taking their kids to the grocery store ALL THE TIME. I laugh at you, people. Try taking your kids, toddler ages even, to the store where you have to pick up EVERY product to check it’s label. In every isle. For EVERY ITEM on your list. Every hour long trip suddenly turns into a three hour tour. That’s how it goes for the new diagnosed Celiac sufferers for the first 6-8 months of the solid diet. Until we’ve managed to memorize the labels. So, have patience with your kids, and be happy you don’t have to label read.

#4- Dinner’s are no longer “quick.” For this one, I’m not really unhappy about. I LOVE COOKING. But, I do have a few gluten free friends who really dislike that they have to make everything from scratch. There are many gluten free products out there, folks…. But have you seen how unhealthy some of those foods are for you, when they leave the gluten out? Pay close attention to that…

#5- Driving can trigger the worst memories! Especially when passing places like McD’s, DQ, Subway, or even the Coney Stand. I cry passing Olive Garden, Casa’s, and Lee’s. Taco Bell and I had a hard divorce, but I’m happy to say I’ve been TB clean for almost one whole year.

#6- The pain of being accidentally “glutened.” It’s often done accidentally. Most of the time by a friend or family member who tried really hard to make something for you, but didn’t realize that even spices can have gluten in them. Those times, it’s okay. We understand, and are thankful that you try for us. However, when someone labels things “gluten free” purposely knowing that there are gluten ingredients in them, and boldly LIES about it…. They are essentially trying to kill us, and we tend to go batshitcrazy for those instances. Some people still think that being gluten free is a simple fad. Many don’t understand that in some people, severe Celiac cases, gluten can lead to the body attacking itself to death. Just saying.

#7- “Oh wow! You really CAN’T eat much, can you?!” “Eating that causes all of THAT to happen to you?” “Are you sure?” Yes, we’re sure. Do you really think we’d go to the extremes going gluten free causes? DO you know that my daughter uses gluten free shampoo and conditioner to avoid body rashes? Even the slightest bits of gluten cause issue in the severe sufferers. This is not true for all individuals. And yes, our diets may be limited, but I promises we don’t need that much attention paid to how much we can’t eat. That only reminds us, and makes us not feel so happy.

#8- Pretending you’re not hungry anyway. This is what happens at those lunches, dinners, meetings, and parties where there just isn’t food. Happens at family gatherings, park play dates- everywhere. Most of the time this is no issue, until hunger strikes. Then, hopefully you’ve brought your snacks, or your family understands the gravity of finding you food you can eat, and fast. No one has time for blood sugar swings!

#9- “Yeah, she’s avoiding the food again, bet she’s anorexic.” THANKS, FAMILY! Yes, I recently heard this at a family event, while I then watched the person who said it “quietly” down a WHOLE GLASS of wine without thought. (Couldn’t help but chuckle at that one….ohh, the irony…) No, jerk…I don’t have an eating disorder, but for the fabulous hereditary autoimmune diseases unwillingly passed to me before my birth that I had no control over. Thanks for making me feel special, though.

#10- No kissin’! Did you know that make out sessions can causes gluten sufferers to flare? That’s right. If our partners eat something riddled with gluten, and we’re too quick to lock lips after, we can be prepared for mouth rashes, and possible stomach upset by the time it all sinks in. SUCK.

#11- Hangry. I love food. I’ve always loved food. When I was younger, I ate 3 or 4 dinners. As a skinny swimmer, I burned it off quickly. Nowadays, my food choices and calorie intake can be tricky. Making sure I get enough calories can often be a problem, actually. So, often, after eating lunch….an hour later I’m starving, and have the angry-hangry’s. This happens to many people in my “Gluten groups,” too…so I thought I’d add it in.

#12- Nightmares of bread. Not gonna lie, I miss bread. I miss slathering on butter, and eating it at every meal. Okay, not EVERY meal…. Some of my worst nightmares, I’ve woken up covering my mouth, hoping to Jesus that I didn’t just eat the 3 feet of subs like I had just dreamt. Or eating the bag of cookies in a sleepy stupor at midnight. Ugh.

#13- The Fakers! Yes, to you, those diet fad-er. The ones who don’t even know what gluten is, or what it does in the body…..but that swear by their “gluten free” diet during the day. Then post pictures of their beer binges over the weekend, in cans that WE all know are clearly not gluten free. We’re on to you, but because we’re too busy label reading, we’ll just ignore your insanity, and move on.

#14- Inevitably cheating, and immediately regretting it. This happens in stressful times. This happens on Mondays. Tuesdays. Wednesdays. Thurs- I Think you get it. It happens more when you’re first starting on being gluten free, and those times it can be more “accidental.” But, like me, years in to eating this way….I absolutely know if I’m doing the wrong thing, and I absolutely know what’s going to be coming sometimes only an hour or so after my indiscretion.

Thanks for reading! Needed a little break from cook book designing!! 😉



Gluten Free for Me Mid-April 2014 Updates

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Gluten Free for Me Mid-April 2014 Updates!


Well, made it to the middle of April, only by the skin of my nose. Finally coming around and getting back to my “normal” after sickness-self. Even though I had a few weeks down, I was still able to be productive from bed, publishing a book, and working on the others!!

The past few days, I’ve managed to get the green house up and prepped for planting! We’ve bought all our seeds organic this year, and are proceeding with an all organic garden for the first time EVER! I’m very excited about this…as you may or may not be able to tell! With the help of the kids, we got the garden beds all cleaned out and ready for planting AFTER our last frost. I know, I know…some people have planted, or are in the next few days. With as much as we plant, and the wacky Indiana weather…. I’m too afraid I won’t have the energy to cover, uncover, re-cover, and uncover all the plants over and over. I mean, yesterday I was outside in a t-shirt, sweating while tearing weeds out of the garden. Tonight it’s going to snow, and tomorrow the high is 37.

So, this week the green house will be planted, and seeds will begin their journey of life, to production. I’m working on planning the garden beds’ layout, and using many natural bug and pest deterrents this year. Our strawberries, potatoes, and onions are already growing!!!

Gardening is, by far, one of my favorite past times, ever. I love that I can grow our food, and use it in most all of these fabulous recipes!!! The best part is…. I’m REALLY GOOD at it, too!! HA!

Check back with us soon for more recipes posted for you to try!! We’re getting closer, and closer to publication of the cook book!!!! Now I need to get off of this magic box…and go make the recipe for the new GF4M Can It! book! Organic GF Spaghetti Sauce!!

Gluten Free for Me Cook Book Updates April 2014

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Gluten Free for Me Cook Book Updates April 2014


It’s hard to believe that April is almost half over, but we’re so thankful that the weather has finally taken a warm turn!! With the publication of Skye Falcon’s Phoenix on Fire going live, the focus has now shifted back to this fabulous cook book! Hopefully, with no major hang ups….we’ll have the “birth” of this new baby this summer!!!

As I sat today watching my kiddos at swim practice, I began rifling through the pages, and pages, and pages of recipes we have made from all these new recipe creations. I quickly came to the conclusion that we needed more than one cook book. Trouble is, we’ve got a whole book worth of recipes that we swear by for canning. And then a whole other pile of “one pot” recipes, too. So, you’ll see “Gluten Free for Me: Can It.” and “Gluten Free for Me: One Dish Wonders” appear in cook book format soon, too. (Maybe they’ll all hit at the same time??) Realizing this was sort of overwhelming…. as we’re quickly remembering the work done on a cook book is about twenty eight million times harder than that of a novel!!

Overall, we’re very happy with where the cook book is progress wise, and where it’s headed in marketing and sales. This gluten free cook book will have basic recipes, all the way up to the insanely complicated–but insanely, ridiculously tasty. Some of these recipes are our old family recipes that I’ve tweaked to be healthy, and GF. And the others are straight from my head, and tested on my poor, helpless family members. (Just kidding…they have no complaints, as of yet.) Some of these recipes will have dairy free, or vegan options, for cooking, too.

We’re currently running some surveys, and questionnaires about the general public’s thoughts on cook books in general, and people’s general likes on layouts. WHY are we doing this? Simple. We want you to use this cook book, all the time. We want it to be easy, and have the information in it that YOU want, and/or need, to successfully remake these recipes. As planned now, our cook book will have pictures, nutrition labels with serving size, ingredient list separate from directions, step by step directions, and cooking/prep time. The type-face of all the sections are quite different, so the title and ingredient list will stand out to you, with the picture. The feedback we’re getting tells us we’re dead on with the layout, so far.

Many of you know I’ve been dealing with massive illness, that keeps raring it’s ugly head at the worst times. It’s been WEEKS since I’ve made any real progress on things (except for the Phoenix on Fire!) in the kitchen, and I’ve been so happy to get back to it! Tonight I managed to get some samples of our GF Banana Pear bread ready to go. I’m in love with the cute little loaves the new pan made!!


While making those fancy little loaves, I decided to do a new creation, based off of the fad I’ve seen go across Pinterest, and Facebook! Stuffed French Toast! Of course, ours is GF, and can be made dairy free, too! We went with a strawberry vanilla cream filling, with a spiced bread. The kids moaned through dinner, and I ate mine in mere bites… So, safe to say it’s freaking delicious!! If you’re in to the stuffed French toast craze, rest assured this will satisfy your gluten free desires!!

As always, If you’re reading this, we THANK YOU. Your support does not go unnoticed, and is ALWAYS appreciated!


Gluten Free for Me 2014 Cook Book Updates!!


Gluten Free for Me 2014 Cook Book Updates


Our inboxes have been bombarded with questions, and we wanted to address some of them in a more public forum, like our blog. We’re so thankful for those who have stuck by us on this ride, and those that are being patient. We’ll try to answer the most asked questions below. If you have any other questions, please feel free to message us, or inbox us on Facebook!

When will the cook book be available? The cook book will be published in the summer or fall of 2014. We first said that it could be done by spring, and parts of it will be. But, we don’t want to rush it, as perfection cannot be pushed!

Where will the cook book be available? The cook book will be available from Amazon, as an e-book, and also print copies will be available in some local stores around Fort Wayne, Indiana.

How much will the book cost? I cannot tell you that, at this point. We are aiming for 100 recipes, hopefully most all with pictures, and nutrition labels. It should be comparable to other cook books of it’s size already for sale.

Where do your recipes come from? Many of my recipes are old family recipes that I’ve manipulated, changed, and managed to get gluten free. Over half of the recipes in the cook book originated in my brain. We like to help people with their gluten free ventures, by using normal ingredients that one may already have, and sticking with ingredients that won’t cost you a fortune.

Will every recipe be gluten free in the cook book? Yes, every recipe will be gluten free, or have options to make it dairy free, or vegan. Each will be marked as such. We also have plans for an “Everything Else” category in the cook book, that will have a page of safe gluten free substitutions, and even gluten free pet treats!

I’ve heard you’ve done taste tests. How can I get involved with those? To be a taste tester, you must be reasonably close to Fort Wayne. We arrange drop offs of our treats to your at your home, or work place. We ask that those who sample, fill out a comment card in return. When taste tests are coming, they will be posted on the Facebook page. Feel free to LIKE our page!!


Thank you, again, for the support! We cannot wait to share this with you!!


DIY Laundry Detergent~ Sensitive Skin

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DIY Laundry Detergent~ Sensitive Skin


Many times, those who suffer from gluten allergies, or intolerance, often forget about the “Extra” things that we put on our bodies. Some of these extra things like laundry detergent, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, and other things still touch our skin, and many name brands do use products that contain gluten! Chemicals, coloring, preservatives, and additives are just some of the sneaky ways that companies get it in their products. Making your own, high quality products like this is cheaper than you think, and easier than you know! Not to mention you won’t be dealing with all of the extra chemicals and colorants added in!


4-6 LARGE containers for your made detergent. We use old, giant drink bottles, old detergent bottles, and old milk jugs.

1.5 cups borax

1.5 cups washing soda

1 bar soap; real soap. I use Ivory Simply Pure. (While I really enjoy Caress, I’d never use it in my laundry detergent. Fels Naptha is also a go-to for those who can use “regular” detergent.) *You can also add in a few drops of scented oil or fabric softeners to scent your detergent a bit more, or differently from the bar of soap you choose.

4 Gallons water, total

HUGE pot, long handled plastic spoon, strainer spoon, funnel, grater (or a hammer and a few Ziploc baggies) I have one pot, utensils, and equipment dedicated for this process. Saves on the clean-up, as I can just throw it all back in the pot, and shelf it.


First, grate bar of soap into small pieces, or put the soap into the Ziploc baggie, and smash with hammer on safe surface. In large pot, combine one gallon of water and grated bar of soap. Bring to a low, slow boil, until all of the pieces of the bar of soap have melted, or dissolved. (If some pieces of the soap remain, it’s okay for now.)

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Next, pour in the borax and washing soda. Stir those in until dissolved, remove from heat, and continue stirring for a few moments. Add in one gallon of cold water, and stir for five more minutes. (The more you stir, the faster it will cool.) At this time, if there are any chunks of soap that did not melt, strain them out.

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While you’re waiting for the detergent to cool, prep your storage bottles by pouring in 3 cups of water to each bottle you plan to fill with detergent. This is the trouble that many face when they make detergent….it ends up coagulating too much, and turns too thick to deal with normally during laundry time. By adding in extra water, this helps keep the detergent from coagulating while it’s being stored.

Finally, using your funnel, fill each bottle you have with detergent leaving 2-3 inches of headspace. After all bottles are filled, add one 1/2 cup of water more. Let them cool, and then put the lids on. Store in a dry place, away from heat.


This recipe make us enough detergent to last about 6 months, and costs about $3.45 to make 5-7 giant bottles per batch. We do laundry 6-8 times a week.

Gluten Free for Me’s 2014 GF Cook Book Updates!


GF4M’s 2014 GF Cook Book Updates!


We’re constantly being asked about this cook book, and we are SOO appreciative for everyone for the support! Progress is coming along nicely, and we’re solidifying recipes, and cleaning them up to be as healthy as possible. We think that each recipe should have a nutrition label, so that we can help you in your health adventures and dieting. That process is taking us longer than we anticipated! No worries, it’s not slowing us too much!

We have reached a point in our plan where we’ve begun offering samples of some of the recipes! The reviews are coming back fabulous, and we are very happy with the response! Over the next few months, we’ll be offering more and more samples!!!

We’ve decided to add pages on substitutions, as well as multiple options for each recipe. Some will be gluten free, dairy free, or vegan; or have the option to make it “normal,” as well. Keep in mind that these recipes are meant to be easy, with ingredients and things that you would normally be using. Not too many crazy or specialty ingredients keep costs, and recipe ease pretty simple.

From the new gluten free pasta recipes, to the gluten free candy bars… Or to the dairy free casseroles and stews…. the appetizers, dinners, drinks, and desserts…. we’re excited to share it with you!! Thank you for being patient!!

2014: Gluten Free for Life! New Beginnings!

2014: New Beginnings!

Happy New Year, readers! This is your chance, your clean slate…the opening you were waiting for to make the diet changes necessary to survive. I’m not talking about going ON a diet, losing weight, or freaking out about cellulite. I’m talking about cleaning up the things we’re all ingesting, and some of them, not so special. Gluten free, dairy free, and clean eating will be the focus of 2014, with our cook book coming out sometime this year!!!

It’s time to focus on all of the delicious things that we CAN eat, and less on what we can’t!! If you’re new here, for starters, read the candy blogs first. And then skip to the gluten free safe food list, which happens to be printable, with limited pictures and extras.

You’ll see some new recipes, more information on what’s safe to eat and what is not, and more humor to keep those like me, who would rather eat grass than gluten, going on, giggling all the way.

Here’s to a year with as few gluten-induced flares as possible!


Gluten Free “Royals” Music Video!!

Gluten Free “Royals” Music Video


This hilarious take on Lordes’ current hit song Royals, done by a gluten intolerant friend, is worth your few minutes!! I couldn’t help but stop, take a minute to watch (and re-watch), and share it with my friends! Most everything we deal with in our lives with avoiding gluten and allergens is serious, and sometimes stressful. Although the words of his remake are very true, it spins a fun light around this…excuse me… “shitty” topic.

You can watch this awesome short remake by clicking the link below! Don’t worry, it only takes you to youtube.com 🙂

YouTube Link to GF Royals Video