Tag Archive: SuperBowl 2015

Gluten Free SuperBowl and SnowPocolypse 2015

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Gluten Free SuperBowl and SnowPocolypse 2015


It’s definitely been a bit since I’ve updated, and I apologize about that! January has proven to be a rough and tough month, and I’m hoping February will have the answers I’m desperately seeking! While I’m typing this, our area is under a Winter Weather Warning, due to the expected 14” of snow for us. Now, that’s nothing for the upper East, as they’ve just gotten over three FEET of snow…but people around here are panicking and buying milk, bread, and beer like the world’s shutting down!


And, of course, it’s SuperBowl weekend! Our team has gone through the ringer, for sure. Yes, we are Patriots fan. No, we’re not keen on the cheating scandal….but….as with all of the other scandals the NFL has had to face (ahem: rapists, murderers, dog murderers, other cheating QBs, and the like) we figure it’s all in game, in the grand scheme of things. Today, I read on someone’s Facebook page that “cheating was only bad if the team got caught, and since they got caught, they should be disqualified.” Hmph. Well, all that for ball air, in a game where the other team forgot to show up? And then the rapists keep playing? And the dog murderers come back like nothing happened, after a few monetary fees paid? I think not! Anyway, don’t tread on me about it…. It’s a game I watch for a few hours of entertainment, and then it’s over.

For our football festivities, we’ll be having a number of gluten free goodies! A few new recipes, I’m thinking, are in order, too!! Taquitos, Chocolaty Football Mix, Cheese-ball, and mini-sliders are just a few of the planned items on the menu! Who knows what all I’ll come up with!! Stay tuned for the blog on all the snacks we made!!

If you’re interested in purchasing an Oh, Forks! A Little Bit of Everything and All That’s Gluten Free Cook Book, please email us at glutenfreeforme@skyefalcon.in, or send on a message on our Facebook page!! Thank you for your support, and following!!