Tag Archive: healthy food

Carrots, Carrots! Orange and Tasty!

Carrots, Carrots! Orange and Tasty!


Do you like carrots? Do you use them regularly in your recipes, or have them for a midday snack? Maybe you like to chop them finely into salads, or julienne them and use them in your noodle base! Some like to steam them in broth until they are soft, or use them in their bone broth bases. Whatever you use them for, they are full of healthy beta carotene!

Here are some fun facts about carrots that you may find helpful!

*One Cup of raw carrots contains about 52 calories.

*Carrots are orange from beta carotene, and they contain roughly 16,000 IU of it.

*The longest carrot was over 18 feet, and the heaviest over 18.9 pounds!

*Carotenemia occurs when a person ingests too much beta carotene. This can cause a yellow-orange tint to the skin, especially in the palms of the hands, and soles of the feet.

*Carrots are 87% water.

*In 2004, carrots were the 7th most valuable crop in the United States.

*China is the world’s top producer of carrots, followed closely by Russia in second, and the United States in third.

*In 1607, the settlers of Jamestown introduced carrots to the world.

*Hippocrates created a broth recipe for good health consisting of carrots, celery, root parsley, and leeks.

*The Ancient Greeks called the carrot a philtron, which translates to “love charm.” They believed the carrot made both men and women more amorous.